It's about [tea] time.

I was first introduced to pottery in a formal way while I was a senior in college. Growing up I enjoyed going to the local paint place to pick out the cute little figurine or ceramic frame to paint; and well, we have all dabbled in a little Play-Doh fun haha. That final semester of my senior year in college was the first time I sat down in a ceramic studio with a wheel between my legs and wet clay between my fingers. I enjoyed it so much. I remember sitting in the studio, spending hours into the night - just creating - even when I had a big test coming up (gasp).

With the clay, I felt at home. I felt like I could create anything with a little patience and imagination.

Fast forward a few years, post grad school, I was invited to exhibit at a local art show. A rather abstract nut of sorts that I hand built back in college sat upon the white block with a perfectly centered spotlight for all of my friends, family, and community to enjoy. I knew when I sat down in that first ceramics class and was remind in that art gallery, that I found great joy in bringing my imagination to life with my hands and through it giving
joy and a bit of wonderment to anyone who looked upon it.

Days, months, and years passed by. I had dreams. I wrote goals. I even researched memberships to local pottery studios...but nothing happened. I never picked up a piece of clay.

Why? Because you know, life is busy. Who has time for these things when you work a fulltime demanding job, when you live in the city that doesn't sleep, when you're in a different country every month. I realize now in 2020, we can be given all the time in the world, but it takes motivation and commitment to the goal to see it through. See I had desires, but I let distracting circumstances stifle my commitment to the goal.

So I'm here today to tell you that I decided to change all of that. Why not now in the middle of a global pandemic? I spend most of my day cozy in a blanket with a warm mug full of refreshing tea, soothing my body and anxieties. It'd be nice to not only have a beautiful mug but a beautiful tea set that played into the aesthetics of my Brooklyn loft and flirted with the notes of flavor. That cup is at the other end of the grit and resistance that it'll take to finally realize my dream. That cup is one key element to an experience that ignites the senses.

It's a mood.
It's vitality.

So I hope that when you receive your pottery that you take a deep breathe, a slow sip, and sink effortlessly into a simply sweet experience, remembering that you too have the fuel within you to see your dreams through.

As always, you're beautiful.

With admiration,

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